Aura Appoints Corporate Advisory Firm
- Leading independent Australian investment house Gresham Advisory Partners
appointed as corporate advisers
- Mandate to focus on identifying appropriate opportunities for the Häggån project
Aura Energy (Aura, ASX: AEE) has appointed leading independent Australian investment and advisory
house Gresham Advisory Partners Limited (Gresham) as a corporate advisor to the company.
The recent release of Scoping Study outcomes for the Häggån Project in Sweden has led to an increase in
expressions of interest in the Project from a number of significant participants in the uranium sector.
In light of these developments the company has decided it prudent to enlist the support of a leading
independent corporate advisory firm to assist in the consideration of opportunities to maximise
shareholder value.
Gresham has extensive experience in and an understanding of the uranium sector locally and
internationally. Its mandate extends to review a number of alternative development and funding
strategies for Häggån.
Under the terms of the appointment, Gresham is to be granted 1,000,000, three-year unlisted options
over new shares in Aura at a strike price of $0.20.
The company will advise the market of relevant developments in relation to the funding of Häggån in due
course. In the meantime, Aura remains focused on advancing its suite of uranium assets in Sweden,
Mauritania and Australia. Ends
As I have been predicting it seems that Australia may well lose one of the world’s largest uranium deposits and even at 20c per share it will still be one of the world’s cheapest in terms of EV/Resource.