Australian Uranium Summit 10 – 11 May 2010 Perth WA


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2010 will be another crucial year for Australian uranium. Domestically, we have new mines opening, a renewed focus on exploration and a commitment from both State and Federal Governments to encourage the development of the sector. On a global front, international deals are being negotiated, new nuclear reactors are being built and spot prices are strengthening as supply dips and new markets are opening up.

Significantly the new Liberal government in Western Australia has overturned a ban on mining, paving the way for the development of new uranium mines. According to the Australian Uranium Association, by 2030 this will generate further $460 m in State revenue, including $200 m in royalties with a total benefit to the state of $3.2 billion.

Many predict 2010 will be the year when the uranium markets surge. The Australian Uranium Summit 2010 is where you will become a part of it!

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