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Robyn Bromby says Uranium is HOT

June 1st, 2009

Nice to see someone of Bromby’s calibre plugging uranium’s prospects….

Uranium surprise coming
Robin Bromby | June 01, 2009
Article from: The Australian

WITH all the reports of China stockpiling metals – copper, for example – it’s surprising that speculators haven’t been thinking about what would happen to prices of certain commodities if the stockpiling effort was extended to them.
Uranium, for example.

Warwick Grigor, in his latest client note out of BGF Equities, wonders out loud what would happen if China chose to begin stockpiling uranium for its rapidly expanding nuclear power sector. With uranium one of those markets that are already tight in terms of supply, and being a strategic mineral as well, uranium stands out to Grigor as the obvious market for investors to watch. If China were to make such a move, he writes, “then it would be smart to get set before it commences this strategy”.

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